My name is Tovi .
I am an artist, illustrator and teacher of graphics and Media Design, with 11 years of teaching experience followed by 28 years of activity as a graphic designer, operating from my private studio “Trigon Design”. For 15 years I worked at "Yediot Ahronoth" a major newspaper in Israel, as the head of the Infographic & Graphic Desk. For the past 9 years I have been the head of the department of "Media Design" at the Ruppin Technological College.
My drawings are the outcome of my personal experiences and creation passion for graphic arts and design, and they express my links to the world and to Judaism.
The drawings are colorful symbols combined with words and phrases presented in eye-catching and interesting typographic forms with matching content, colors and shape.
The motif of repetition, cycle and rhythm is dominant in all of my drawings. They can be printed in various sizes on a range of materials such as plexiglas, canvas, fabric, ceramic tiles, and more.
Shapes and colors
create new worlds for me